
Life Style

Marriage & Relationship

We need to look carefully for signs of manipulation from our potential partner. Early on there will be “Tells” of manipulation such as sulking when there are disagreements and you are not in agreement with your partner over things that are not of great importance, faking tears and “acting” upset when things do not go their way, but be careful not to accuse your partner of false tears unless there is obvious evidence in case you misjudge them.

How to Stop Difficult Thoughts

Most of us spend a lot of time inside our own mind —worrying about the future, replaying events in the past, and generally focusing...

How I Almost Lost Everything

I started singing in children’s church at the age of about 7 when I would sing in Sunday school with my siblings and other kids. I had been led to say the  sinners prayer as a child in Sunday school so many times.

Write Down Your Vision and Goals

Writing down your vision and goals is a powerful practice that can significantly enhance your chances of success. Here's why:

Pelumi on a Solo Trip from London to Lagos

Pelumi Nubi, a Coventry University student, decided to leave her PhD studies to undertake an extraordinary journey from London to Lagos, Nigeria's bustling metropolis. Despite facing criticism for her decision, Pelumi's determination only grew stronger.


