Juanita Headley is an internationally recognized anti-human trafficking speaker, TEDTalk speaker, author, and licensed New York attorney. As a humanitarian volunteer, she has a wealth of experience gained from living amongst and serving the formerly incarcerated and indigent communities. Through the art of storytelling, Juanita simplistically explains child abuse and commercial exploitation in an engaging and informative way, leaving audiences educated, empowered, and inspired.

Described as “a champion for human decency” by David Arquette, Juanita has singlehandedly held global screenings of SOLD The Movie, worked with top professionals, and appeared as a lead human rights speaker at a number of prestigious events and programs for audiences in higher education, law enforcement, hospitals, and public service clubs. In 2019 she was named the Global Goodwill Ambassador for humanitarian work by the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation, and a recipient of the Gem FM
Appreciation Award – The Lydia Calliste Award of Excellence in Community Service in 2021.

Signature Topics

Child Sexual Abuse: Since sexual abuse is an equal opportunity employer, no family is immune from this scourge. The key to protecting and safeguarding all children, starts with knowing signs and identifiers of abuse, responding correctly, to the question, “Can you keep a secret?” and taking the appropriate steps when handling disclosures.

Human Trafficking: It is not a myth, that there are now more slaves than ever before, and that domestic human trafficking takes place right in our very own backyard. For the eradication of this modern-day slavery we need to understand grooming, vulnerability, sex and labor trafficking and how to protect against exploitation.

“As an administrator with just under 1000 young persons under my care, it was fascinating to see these young people spellbound by the flow of information with which she mesmerized them.”
Carapichaima East School Administrator

“The presentation was informative, hard-hitting and passionate.
Juanita displayed a fantastic knowledge on the issue with many
insights I did not know existed.”
Michael Ayong, Petrotrin Employee

“Her time spent at the Gasparillo Secondary School relaying to
students about the realities of the issue was much needed and
greatly appreciated.”
Gasparillo School Administrator

Highlighting human trafficking on the screen
New York attorney’s bid to stop sexual exploitation: Gospel to end trafficking
Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
Can You Keep A Secret?
Sex Trafficking in the 21st Century

Charity work



GoFundMe Mauritius Summer Missions Trip: https://bit.ly/Mauritius_Missions

Email: juanita.m.headley@gmail.com
Telephone: +1 868 740 1008

Juanita M. Headley
Author: Juanita M. Headley

Juanita Headley is an internationally recognized anti-human trafficking speaker, TEDTalk speaker, author, and licensed New York attorney. As a humanitarian volunteer, she has a wealth of experience gained from living amongst and serving the formerly incarcerated and indigent communities. Through the art of storytelling, Juanita simplistically explains child abuse and commercial exploitation in an engaging and informative way, leaving audiences educated, empowered, and inspired


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